October is busy and we haven't been up to a whole lot these days. We mostly go to school, our afternoon activities and just playing with friends. Our life is pretty ordinary and we have been going on less and less adventures.
Here is a moment I was glad to capture. I was going to play Candyland with Erik, but instead he decided to play with his brother and teach him. They didn't make it very far, but it was cute to watch and see them try to figure out this board game together.
One thing I still get to do with the boys is take them to mommy & me class. Elliot goes while Erik is in preschool and Elliot goes to a babysitter provided by the school while I take Erik. Its really nice for me to be in a classroom setting appropriate for their age group with each of the kids.
This week I was the assisting parent for Elliot's class and when that happens I try to bring my camera around and capture all the moments of the day. Its funny the last couple of times we have gone to school Elliot is really developing a routine. Out of both my kids, Elliot thrives on routine best and develops his own constantly.
When he's inside his first activity is always to head towards the legos and make a train out of the legos. Its his special activity and if anyone tries to play along or interfere he gets very angry.
Next he heads over the rest of the toys and looks for all the trains and starts putting them together. Did I mention how train obsessed he is? More so than Erik was at this age.
Then at some point he will head over to the puzzles and do a few. This whole time I am repeatedly asking him to do the artwork or paint and 50% of the time he says yes, but not on this day.
Outside he is not into a routine yet, although he is in love with the teeter-totter and is constantly looking for a companion to join him. These were my favorite shots of the day because Elliot and his new favorite friend Dayton were having so much fun. They actually kept falling down from the top of it on purpose, boys!
There is the sand yard, but he doesn't seem to spend as much time there as his brother did.
Lastly there are bikes and he one of a few who can actually ride a bike in the class. He is one of the oldest kids. This was adorable because he was riding Mickey around all morning and both of them were having the best time.
On Tuesday I took a couple images from Erik's class. After all our years at BPEC the 4's are finally allowed to wear their costumes to school. When we got there a few kids didn't have them on and Erik started getting self conscious and asked to take his off. I persuaded him to keep it on and then more showed up with costumes until he finally started having fun with it. He put on the mask during circle time and kept it on the entire time. Several mom's were amazed at his patience wearing that thing. Honestly so I am.
This is what we do for half our week, the other half is just randomness or hanging out at home. Yet it keeps me too busy to take pictures or blog these days. I really need to work on it.