Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back to the baseball field

Ever since I was a teenager when I thought of photography I thought in stories. I would picture an image in my head and figure out how that told of the story of what I was trying to say. Although I wanted to be a journalist from the time I was 10 years old and read "Sweet Valley High" novels, I quickly realized soon after high school that my talents were more in the visual field.

So today when I realized we needed to go back to the baseball field, the entire time I am there I am thinking of my story. It is probably why I like blogging so much, I always have stories, but have never been very good at tell them. My blog gives me a way to incorporate words and visualization, the combination of the two which I am much better at.

So today was suppose to be Erik's first day of preschool since we had to miss the official first day on Tuesday. I had even been priming him up for the day telling him on Wednesday he would be going and trying to get him mentally ready. This morning after I got up and looked at his snotty nose and heard his congested cough I realized that preschool would have to be postponed yet again. I might have sent him if it wasn't his first day, but Carl and I both agreed that he should be feeling a bit better on his first full day of preschool.

I have been stuck in the house with the kids since Monday and I realized that although Erik and Elliot couldn't go in public, they needed an outing. I decided since it was overcast and cool, it was a perfect baseball field morning. I gave Erik a breathing treatment so he could make it up the hill, snorked Elliot so he could breath better, dressed the boys in cool weather clothes, thank goodness their jackets still fit, and headed up the hill.

The hill ride has changed over that last year and I still haven't perfected it. Both my boys love to be pushed in a stroller, but I like using my BOB because it glides super easy. So I took turns. Erik walked for a long time, then Elliot had to walk. Erik got a piggy back ride and Elliot strode. Whatever it took to get us up that hill, but we made it and no one was grumpy.

We got there around snack time so we sat on the grass and ate for a little bit. Actually Erik was the one who sat down first, I think the hill really wore him out, but I just go with it most of the time so sitting is a good time for a meal.

Then I realized rather quickly that this was my first time alone with both the boys at the baseball field with Elliot walking and it presented new, but interesting challenges. Like, Elliot obsessing about the hill leaving the baseball field. As a moth to a flame, no matter how many times I turned Elliot around he went right back.

We also made our journey with new friends since Lightin McQueen and Matter seem to have to go everywhere we go lately.

Then we started our usual circle around the park. We stopped at our usual spots, the "puddle" was dry, but interesting to explore.

We made new discoveries. Wildlife and vegetation is rather interesting if you don't get to see it all that often. Its also great when you have a brother to share with and laugh about it too.

Then we headed over to the actual baseball field.  This is where the magic happened. I just stood back, became observer and let the kids take over. There was nothing going to happen except them getting super dirty and I was around for any climbing escapades. The magic of imagination when there is little to play with is priceless. It also comes with a lot of laughing and imitation in our family.

Who needs a tumble tots class when you have a good old fashion baseball field to climb on and practice your balance.

This is the face that is all too familiar in our house this week and a face I was hoping would be gone by today.

Definitely a good trip to the baseball field, illness and all. The interesting fact is that Erik refused to leave the house today, but I put on Elliot's shoes and he was clambering to get outside. I almost listened to Erik, when I realized that Elliot had just as strong of an opinion as Erik and he was voicing it. So we all headed out. As we were walking down the hill leaving the baseball field, Erik said to me "That was a lot of fun, can we come back tomorrow?"  Kind of summed up our visit today.

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About Heather

My photo
I am a Los Angles based photographer and mom of 2 wonderful boys. Photography has been a passion of mine over 15 years now, ever since I picked up my first camera in journalism school and started developing my black and whites in a darkroom. The instant an affordable DSLR came out on the market in 2002, I had to have one and have been shooting digital since. Once I became a mom I realized how much I enjoy photographing children and how much better I could understand their nuances so it became a passion of mine. Their is such innocence and beauty in their pictures and I feel privileged to be a part of that. I am constantly trying new approaches and tuning my skills to create the art that is in my head, not just the art that I can create right now. I am very interested in off camera flash, and the depth and clarity it adds to my photographs. Sometimes I take breaks from my blog and photography, but it seems to never leave me completely. I always come back.