Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Potty training, the true test day

I remember when Erik started going to preschool all the mom's said the true test of how he likes preschool isn't the first day of school, it is the second. I had the same trepidation about today. Potty was new and exciting to Elliot yesterday, but now that the newness has worn off would we have the same type of success or would be start rebelling.

The morning started off fine. Carl tried to convince me to put pants on him so I did. It was cold this morning so I felt bad about him being naked from the waist down. We had a very wet and poopy diaper this morning so I didn't expect anything for a while. I can't remember if he went potty before we headed downstairs, but I tried.

Well we ate breakfast, played for a bit and it was turning into a gorgeous day so we headed outside. I think I might have brought him to the potty, I don't remember accidents so either he went or held it. Doesn't matter really. Then I made the classic mistake. While they were playing outside I needed to schedule some appointments for Erik and got on the phone. When I was distracted, I actually saw it happening, a pee accident in the pants. I was sunny enough that the pants went off and we just stayed that way for the rest of the afternoon. I am wondering if it is an outside distracted thing or a pants thing. Need to test my theory tomorrow.

I won't go into the details about when he went and how many times, but he never had an accident the entire morning. Well not completely true, he is not going #2 in the potty, but isn't afraid to go. I just don't think he understands the sensation yet so its taking a little longer. See he runs to the potty when he knows he needs to go #2. I watched it happened, but he won't sit long enough to let it happen. Then he'll have a mistake off the potty. Maybe in a few days or a few week he'll get it, but I am not worried because he show signs of trying it.


Elliot is really into the process of going potty. He loves to pick up the potty, dump it and then wash his hands afterwards. He demands to do every step almost every time. I just let him even if it gets messy because I want him to be enthusiastic about the process and feel like he has control, not me. Afterwards he gets one cookie, and its not really a cookie, but I learned my lesson about going for the super sugary candy too soon. If he is fine with these I'd rather give him that then 20 m&ms a day like it ended up being with Erik at times.


At this point I am pretty sure we are at the point of no return. As a matter of fact when Erik was at this point I called him potty trained. I think once we get #2 down I'll officially say that. The highlight from today is when I left to run some errands and Carl was watching the boys. He said Elliot left the room himself, sat on the potty and then demanded a cookie. All by himself. So we're there. I am sure we'll have some set backs and some occasional accidents especially since I am training him so young, but since he got it so quickly so early I am going to go with it. I don't think I will take him out in public until this weekend. I did buying pullups and underwear to start working on. I just want to make sure tomorrow he is 100% there before I put underwear into the equation. Just shows you each child is insanely different and with how challenging Erik was to potty train, it is nice to have a little break.

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About Heather

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I am a Los Angles based photographer and mom of 2 wonderful boys. Photography has been a passion of mine over 15 years now, ever since I picked up my first camera in journalism school and started developing my black and whites in a darkroom. The instant an affordable DSLR came out on the market in 2002, I had to have one and have been shooting digital since. Once I became a mom I realized how much I enjoy photographing children and how much better I could understand their nuances so it became a passion of mine. Their is such innocence and beauty in their pictures and I feel privileged to be a part of that. I am constantly trying new approaches and tuning my skills to create the art that is in my head, not just the art that I can create right now. I am very interested in off camera flash, and the depth and clarity it adds to my photographs. Sometimes I take breaks from my blog and photography, but it seems to never leave me completely. I always come back.