Friday, June 4, 2010

A Week of Playdate and Fun Stuff

About 3 weeks ago when I realized our Thursday 2's class was ending and all of our Parks and Rec classes and story time at the library were finishing up I pretty much started to freak out. Erik is one of those kids who likes to leave the house and be around town. Every time we are driving and heading back home he always says to me "I don't want to go home" over and over again. He is a child who is energized by being around other children and needs the stimulation of out of the house activities.

So when all our classes started ending at once I pretty much freaked out. I asked everyone I saw at parks who I knew, I emailed our Thursday 2s class, and I emailed all of our little friends. I just didn't know what I was going to do with the boys this summer and we don't start preschool until August.  I knew that we needed an activity a day to keep us occupied with some downtime in between.

Fortunately our parks and rec is pretty comprehensive this summer and Erik is attending Tumble Tots again, also I found a class for Elliot. In addition Erik with be starting swim lessons next week for the next 5 weeks straight. Also we have a couple of field trip through school planned and some activities with friends all scheduled up so we are busy.  Whew, I worried for nothing.

Of course, the most important thing of all with staying busy is spending time with friends. This week I took it a little easy because on Tuesday the boys were exhausted from the weekend at their Grandparents and needed to catch up on sleep. Then on Wednesday we had our regular weekly playdate and all of our friends came over to our house since I was the host this week.

The girls and Erik are so fun to watch right now. They really are interacting in new ways and really playing with their imaginations. This week my favorite moment is when I caught them all sitting on the stairs together. I can't remember the scenario they were acting out, but I think it had to do with someone being the mommy and the rest were in time out or one was the teacher and they were the students. I think time out was probably the closest truth because that is their reality right now. I really tried to capture this on film, but the lens I needed was upstairs and to get it would have ruined this moment.

Of course once we all stood around watching the moment ended and we only got a glimpse of what was going on. We were all sitting in the living room talking.  Then it turned into a dance, twirl party in the living room. Totally adorable! As a side note, I can't believe how much taller Ella is than Erik. They were the same height a couple months ago, what happened? I think Erik might be going through a growth spurt though because he is eating and sleeping like crazy.

Then Ella and Rachel and their mommies headed home, but Audrey, Keely and Molly's mommy had no husbands at home waiting for dinner. Carl was going to be home late that night due to a business dinner so we had a spontaneous mom's night out and I made everyone dinner. The best scenario to fit all the kids and adults was to put this table in our dining room. Totally worked. It was a great playdate and a great afternoon. As soon as our friends left the boys were in bed asleep within half an hour. The best case scenario when Carl is not around for bedtime.

A couple days ago I realized we hadn't seen our friends Mo, Aiden and Liam in a long time. Last time we were suppose to get together I flaked on them due to tired and cranky kids. So a playdate was long overdue and I missed my friend. So she suggested we head to her favorite coffee shop and then sit in this grassy area and drink coffee and watch the trains go by. I have to admit that I thought she was crazy when she suggested going to a place that wasn't a park and to go to a coffee shop with 4 kids!!! It actually ended up being an awesome morning and the kids had so much fun together.

Here are the boys enjoying a snack from the coffee shop. Their favorite, a croissant.


One of the best moments of the day is that Erik and Liam were really getting along today. Sometimes we have problems because Liam is more of a sensitive little guy and Erik is more of a loud and touchy boy. Sometimes it is just not the right combination for these two. Today I suggested that Liam and Erik chase each other so they could burn off energy and have something to do together. It was great. They shared and played with Erik's car and they chased each other very nicely. I was so happy to see these two getting along.

It really was a great spot because the trains were constantly passing through which fueled Erik's imagination and he was playing characters from Chuggington the entire time. He loved to stop and just look at the trains up close.

I was finally able to capture Elliot's new acrobatic move on film. I have been cracking up at this for a while now, but never really have my camera around when he does it. My little man is just so silly!

Here are my two favorite portraits for the day. I love this one I took Aiden. He has the most beautiful blue eyes. Also I knew this one would be good of Erik due to the outfit he was wearing today and the lighting in this little spot. Priceless.

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About Heather

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I am a Los Angles based photographer and mom of 2 wonderful boys. Photography has been a passion of mine over 15 years now, ever since I picked up my first camera in journalism school and started developing my black and whites in a darkroom. The instant an affordable DSLR came out on the market in 2002, I had to have one and have been shooting digital since. Once I became a mom I realized how much I enjoy photographing children and how much better I could understand their nuances so it became a passion of mine. Their is such innocence and beauty in their pictures and I feel privileged to be a part of that. I am constantly trying new approaches and tuning my skills to create the art that is in my head, not just the art that I can create right now. I am very interested in off camera flash, and the depth and clarity it adds to my photographs. Sometimes I take breaks from my blog and photography, but it seems to never leave me completely. I always come back.