Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Two Santas and a Story

Every year Carl and I try to take the kids to see Santa when it isn't busy and when we both can go. This usually means picking daddy up from working during his lunch break, seeing Santa and then having lunch. We have done it this way for the last three years and started going to the Americana because that was the Santa closest to daddy's work. So keeping with tradition, we did exactly that.

Well in addition, my kids LOVE storytime. I have been taking them to storytime for a year and Erik loves sitting and listening and singing the songs and really gets into it. Elliot is starting to participate, but is not nearly as excited about storytime as his brother. Last week we had to miss our usual storytime place since the boys were sick, so this morning was the last day of Christmas storytime and we went. So it was an extra Christmassy morning.

We got to storytime 10 minutes late and Erik was totally confused as to what was going on. Everyone was standing up and jumping around and singing a song he didn't know. He just stood back and watched.

When the actual storytime started and we sat in the usual place to listen, that is when Erik perked up. This was no usual storytime, we had a special guest, Mrs. Claus, and she was telling special stories. All of her stories involved costumes and volunteers. To my shock, Erik enthusiastically volunteered every time and participated every time. His first costume was as a mouse. We all sang "Three Blind Mice."

I really liked Mrs. Claus because she was very tolerant and encouraging about the littlest ones walking around the stage. So Elliot took advantage of it and rummaged through her props and came out with a bell. He was very excited about it.


The next volunteer opportunity for Erik was something using their hands. I totally forgot what they were singing to be honest. Erik was happy to stand up front, but didn't really get the hand motions.

Then it was the special moment, where Erik got to be the center of attention he was craving. We were singing "Rudolph" and had a lot of reindeer volunteers. I think because Erik has been enthusiastic all day, or maybe because I had a nice camera out he was chosen to play Rudolph. It was pretty darn adorable and he had no clue he was the center of it all. I love that!

Then the kids got to sing "Jingle Bells" with real bells. Elliot was totally thrilled since he was obsessed with the bells the entire time.

Of course at every storytime there are bubbles and it was a mad rush of kids to catch those bubbles. Elliot stood back and watched, but did gain confidence in the end to join in the herd.


Then it was time for the magic moment, Mrs. Claus told us the story of Santa and he came out for all the boys and girls. I had no idea that the kids were going to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. For goodness sake we were going to the mall to do that in an hour. So Erik watched and I told him he could do it later, but he insisted on telling Santa what he wanted at that moment. How could I refuse? Oh and I didn't force Elliot on Santa's lap because I knew it wouldn't go well when we did it. One Santa torture a day is more than enough.

After storytime we picked daddy up from his office and headed to the mall. I like the Americana Santa because he is really nice and gets it and doesn't show an annoyed face for the littlest ones. I also was excited because Erik got the concept of Santa this year and told him all about what he wanted for Christmas. "Cars Movie Stuff.." Elliot in true fashion freaked out and cried on Santa's lap. Totally normal for a 20 month old.  Here are the pictures we got.


Then in our family tradition, after we saw Santa, we went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch. I love it that I can order Elliot a thing of milk at a restaurant and he actually drinks almost the whole thing!

Then because my kids didn't get much of an opportunity to burn off energy with all of today's activities we did a lap around the Americana just for fun. 

I keep seeing these pillow pets everywhere, they must be the hot new gift this year. All I know is that my kids aren't getting them. 


  1. What a fun story time. We used to go but I haven't gone since Micah really started moving and I was usually at the gym enjoying group exercise classes instead of story time. Micah loves reading now I should look into when story time is now.

    Love the Santa photos! And yes pillow pets are one hot item. Abby (my 4 year old) saw the commercial and HAD to have one - there was no telling her that her zoobie (like a pp but with a blanket inside that you can take out and much cuter) was the same exact thing. She convinced Gigi (my mom) to get one for her - and not just anyone but the least cute on there is in my opinion - the purple and pink unicorn.

  2. How funny Katie! Maybe when Erik turns 4 I'll have to deal with the "popular" item, but at least for another year I can get away with not buying one.



About Heather

My photo
I am a Los Angles based photographer and mom of 2 wonderful boys. Photography has been a passion of mine over 15 years now, ever since I picked up my first camera in journalism school and started developing my black and whites in a darkroom. The instant an affordable DSLR came out on the market in 2002, I had to have one and have been shooting digital since. Once I became a mom I realized how much I enjoy photographing children and how much better I could understand their nuances so it became a passion of mine. Their is such innocence and beauty in their pictures and I feel privileged to be a part of that. I am constantly trying new approaches and tuning my skills to create the art that is in my head, not just the art that I can create right now. I am very interested in off camera flash, and the depth and clarity it adds to my photographs. Sometimes I take breaks from my blog and photography, but it seems to never leave me completely. I always come back.