Thursday, August 25, 2011

Meet the Teacher Day

What a difference a year makes. Last year Carl and I were nervous parents sending our first child off to preschool for the very first time. Before that he had just been home with me or a babysitter. We anxiously went to every orientation and meeting together, interested in every step and every process as Erik entered his first year of school. We were nervous, yet excited for him to be starting this adventure.

This year we are like seasoned pros at this preschool game. Our school has a couple of events leading up to the first day of school. One is meet the teacher and then they have a half day where the parents are on campus before school officially starts. This year I went to the meet the teacher day and Carl is going to the half day so I can take Elliot to his mommy & me class that morning. No longer the united front, but both involved none the less.

Knowing that meet the teacher day was one of my only opportunities for pictures, I decided to take a few just in case I needed them for his book. Erik's new preschool teacher is a photofile like me and I have a strong suspicion if I ask her to go into the class to take pictures she will be not only say yes, but be excited about it. So I have it in my head to go back while school is in session.

My first impressions of Erik's teachers is that I am in love. One of his teachers is so creative and comes up with these scientific experiments for the kids that are just genius. I think it will be a great way for him to learn and explore in his last year of preschool and the perfect environment. I am so excited for him to be in this class and see all their fun projects. She also told me they cook all the time which is one of Erik's favorite activities and she teaches them all about healthy food. It just makes me really excited for the school year to start.

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Erik has been really into dress up lately and this Halloween I am probably going to get a few more outfits when they go on sale, he loves it so much. Today he was pretending to go shopping and put on his nice jackets and a few bags to get the job done. I love the imagination on four year olds!



Of course Elliot joined us for the adventure that day. His reaction to the classroom was fascinating. He got really scared and upset by the idea of it even though he has been to this school a hundred times before, and wouldn't play for the longest time. Eventually Mrs. W got Elliot to play with some of the toys. He clung to this baby doll all day and named it "Baby Zack" and dragged it on his adventures that day. If we had a two year old preschool school I might send him this year he seems ready, but I am going to wait another year so when he is 3.5 he'll go and be more than ready at that point.

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About Heather

My photo
I am a Los Angles based photographer and mom of 2 wonderful boys. Photography has been a passion of mine over 15 years now, ever since I picked up my first camera in journalism school and started developing my black and whites in a darkroom. The instant an affordable DSLR came out on the market in 2002, I had to have one and have been shooting digital since. Once I became a mom I realized how much I enjoy photographing children and how much better I could understand their nuances so it became a passion of mine. Their is such innocence and beauty in their pictures and I feel privileged to be a part of that. I am constantly trying new approaches and tuning my skills to create the art that is in my head, not just the art that I can create right now. I am very interested in off camera flash, and the depth and clarity it adds to my photographs. Sometimes I take breaks from my blog and photography, but it seems to never leave me completely. I always come back.