Thursday, April 14, 2011

Aloha from Kauai...

Just checking in and writing a blog on the first half of our vacation. As I write this both boys are napping, Carl is reading and I am uploading pictures and just enjoying the quiet. Kauai is definitely how I envisioned Hawaii and this is the perfect vacation for our little family of four.

First things first, the plane ride. With it being 5.5 hours I was dreading it since we didn't buy a seat for Elliot and it was in the middle of his nap. Luckily the most amazing thing happened on the plane, both boys napped. Elliot napped for 60% of the flight and watched a movie, "Thomas" and Erik watched 1.5 movies and fought his nap like there was no tomorrow. Then with 1.5 hours left on the flight I finally got him to sleep, so one boy awake and one boy asleep. I even got to watch the inflight movie, a Reese movie to boot so it was a perfect start to our vacation.

Since we arrived on the island at 1:30 pm local time Carl and I decided to push their bed as late as possible since it was a 3 hour time change and stay up super late. So we got to our rental house and went straight for the beach. We are loving "Baby Beach." It is a perfect introduction to water before the season starts for the boys. They can splash independently or with us and the water is so calm and so shallow that they truly enjoy themselves. Their favorite activity is to sit on the sand right in the surf and let the waves splash up on them. Elliot gives the best and happiest giggles when doing this and Erik loves to run away and pretend to be afraid of the waves. This is my version of nirvana watching them be so happy.

Picture 012

Picture 007

Picture 013

The boys have even come up with games in the house. This is favorite so far, "treasure hunt" and we need to find whatever item Erik has put in there. Usually pillows and clothes.




Its hard to know exactly what to do on this island and for some reason I have an obsession with walking to a waterfall. So the first day we saw Waimea Canyon which is a must see and then headed up the road to hike to a waterfall. Unfortunately the terrain was right, but the hike proved to be too long for the boys so we stopped half way, but as I always say it is about the journey and not about getting there when you have kids this little and we all enjoyed the hike.






After the hike we went to lunch in one of the towns on the west side and all had our own shaved ice. It was a popular place with the locals because we saw several of them coming and going while we ate ours. The verdict, everyone thought it was yummy except Erik who just wanted the ice cream on the bottom.


That afternoon, more time at baby beach and a quiet dinner at home since the boys didn't nap. I think the time change and a busy afternoon affected their sleep. It was a good first day for sure.



We're on day two and not much to report, I continued my waterfall obsession and Carl humored me, so we headed to the west side to hike Ho'opi'l Fall. It said in my guide book that it was an easy hike, but for two small children it was a bit treacherous. We made it and I got to take some pictures of waterfalls, but Carl made me promise no more hiking. Both boys definitely showed some independence on the hike and on the way up both boys had to walk themselves. A fun, but tiring morning. Since all these pictures are from Carl's point and shoot camera you won't see waterfall pictures. You'll have to wait until I get back to see my images from Hawaii.




Afterwards we headed to the plantation for a train ride. Elliot was OBSESSED with the train as soon as it got in the station and couldn't wait the 10 minutes it would take for us to be able to board. He almost broke down he was so anxious to go on the train. It was definitely a fun diversion for the boys and definitely something to be done with kids. They especially loved feeding the wild boar.





That's it for now, we have an afternoon planned of dinner out, the first time since we have been here and some shopping and ice cream. We're taking it easy this afternoon and skipping the beach since we have gotten a lot of sun.

My initial impression of Kauai is that I HATE the roosters. They are everywhere and the boys love to chase them, but when it comes to sleep they are annoying especially in a house with no air conditioning and boys who need to nap, they never seem to stop crowing.

As far as the island itself, I love this place. It is exactly what I would want for a Hawaiian island and exactly why I won't go back to Oahu now that I have done the Pearl Harbor thing. It is not too badly touristy on the South side over here and its not very crowded and everything is a hidden gem. It is all about adventure, outdoor fun and hiking which is my perfect vacation. I'll definitely be coming here again, although I want to check out the big island before I make my verdict, but this is definitely making it on my top vacation spots.

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I'm glad you were able to visit Kaua'i, it truly is a wonderful place that will make you come back again, and again, and again :) I like that train ride that you did, I might have to ask you where it is, as Lukas would love that. Look forward to seeing more photos from you!



About Heather

My photo
I am a Los Angles based photographer and mom of 2 wonderful boys. Photography has been a passion of mine over 15 years now, ever since I picked up my first camera in journalism school and started developing my black and whites in a darkroom. The instant an affordable DSLR came out on the market in 2002, I had to have one and have been shooting digital since. Once I became a mom I realized how much I enjoy photographing children and how much better I could understand their nuances so it became a passion of mine. Their is such innocence and beauty in their pictures and I feel privileged to be a part of that. I am constantly trying new approaches and tuning my skills to create the art that is in my head, not just the art that I can create right now. I am very interested in off camera flash, and the depth and clarity it adds to my photographs. Sometimes I take breaks from my blog and photography, but it seems to never leave me completely. I always come back.